NGOs have moved from back stage to centre
stage in world politics, and are exerting their power and influence in every
aspect of international relations and policy making. They have in most part,
been a positive force in domestic and international affairs, working to
alleviate poverty, protect human rights, preserve the environment, and provision
of relief worldwide.
However, in recent times, various global Climate Justice Networks have popped
up. These are platforms mainly constituted and controlled by Northern NGOs -
the WWF, Greenpeace, Oxfam, Christian Aid, Action Aid, CARE, World Vision etc.
Their rationale:
If the world is to be saved from a climate catastrophe, it is essential
for the civil society to take an active role in pressuring their governments
and in moulding opinion to move in the direction of a solution based on the
principle of equal atmospheric rights for all.
Leaving aside climate issues, the legitimacy of and role played by these
Northern NGOs are still hugely debatable. Even their own partners have no
hesitation in terming their behaviour towards their Southern counterparts, at
best, as highly paternalistic. And yet they capture all the media space;
dominate the podiums and other spaces, speak on behalf of the global South,
defending indigenous rights, raising the issue of climate impact etc. They
bring (often by paying) token people, particularly innocent children from the
South and tutor their presentations to paint a grim picture how global warming
(sorry climate change, sorry climate weirdness, sorry climate disruption) are
supposedly causing havoc in Southern countries.
Still, there is nothing, per se, wrong in championing the causes of South
countries even if they are tempted on occasions to demonstrate a means
justifying ends mindset. So let’s ignore their means for a moment. Let’s
focus exclusively on their ends as we as member of the NGO fraternity or
general public seldom research their record of accomplishment; or ask awkward
questions on northern NGOs policies; or chase facts behind their claims and
publicity spin.
One of the most basic questions as we dig
deeper is what kind of credentials do these northern NGOs possess to champion
justice issues. Simply put - are they committed to principles of justice
as portrayed in their carefully cultivated public image?
During the early eighties, many of us in the
social justice movement were strongly incensed by the media expose of World
Vision (WV) as being a front for the United States government. Pax Christi, a
Catholic human rights group, even called them a “Trojan Horse” for U.S. foreign
policy. In 1981, WV who then administered a Salvadoran refugee camp was accused
of involvement in the deaths of two newly arrived refugees. The latter were
reportedly identified by WV staff, handed over to Honduran forces and
suspiciously later found shot dead.
For those of us then rookies in the NGO
field, this was a shock.Until then we were naively taken up by all the rhetoric
that humanitarian aid should be politically neutral and least of all, not be
reduced as an appendage of the state.
Almost 30 years later, we find little as changed. International NGOs continue
to act as trojan forces of their governments. Ex- Liberian dictator Charles
Taylor recently confessed to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He
said that he had negotiated with NGOs, many who are today major players in the
Climate Justice movement, that 15% of all aid funds be paid to him directly, to
support his army and bulking out his own wallet. This amount funded by these
NGOs in turn funded the brutal oppression he unleashed on his people.
The rebels who fought Taylor also took a
percentage of funds from these Northern NGOs. The result was that NGO funds
fanned the war on both sides.
Civilians experienced devastating material and
physical abuse: there were serious human rights
violations, including rape and other sexual
and gender-based violence. Although it is
difficult to document the statistics of
the Liberian Civil War, it is estimated
that between 60,000 and 200,000 people, mostly civilians, – were killed
during the war. At least 850,000 people sought refuge in neighbouring countries
and a large part of the remnants of a pre-war population of 2.2 to 2.5 million
was internally displaced.

War Games, the recently
published book by Linda Polman, freelance Dutch journalist, who followed the UN
and these Northern NGOs in several war zones in the world, exposes the dubious
justice credentials of northern NGOs as well illustrated in the case of Rwandan
“In the course of
a few terrible months in 1994, one million people were killed in Rwanda. It was
slaughter on a scale not seen since the Nazi extermination programme. The
killing rate in Rwanda was five times that achieved by the Nazis. Such a crime
requires motives, means and opportunity.
The motive of those responsible for the
genocide was to continue to monopolize power and seek a 'final solution' to the
political opposition. The means was the mobilization of militia and use of the
civil administration to encourage people to take part. Both methods of mass
killing had already been tried successfully in Rwanda and were well documented
in human rights reports (Ndiaye 1993).”
Humanitarian aid was confined to the
ethnic Hutus and denied to their Tutsi fellow citizen. Northern NGOs many
of whom now crowing “Climate Justice” offered aid to the perpetrators of the Genocide and denied them to the
victims of the massacre. Soldiers and militia Hutus re-grouped,
consolidated and re-armed themselves in these relief camps that saw them
launching an assault that finally take over the country again.
Only Oxfam among these NGOs gathered
their courage to speak out against the injustice in a press release “Oxfam fears
Genocide in Rwanda”. Oxfam warned that the lives of 750,000 people
were in danger and requested the UN Security Council to immediately send troops
to reinforce the UN position in Rwanda and protect citizens. Oxfam to their
credit, remained the only humanitarian aid agency who publicly then use the word
‘genocide’ to describe what was happening in Rwanda.
The likes of ActionAid, CARE, and many others
who now consist the so-called Climate Justice movement was conspicuous by their
silence against what could be considered the greatest human rights violation
incident after World War II. The Christian donors led by the WCC and
included Christian Aid; Brot fur die Welt, Miseror, Caritas, Lutheran World
Federation etc who are now also the so-called key players in this so-called
Climate Justice movement were found equally complicit by their silence. And
yet, apart from their press note, even Oxfam fell in line with their country’s
foreign policy and operated their relief camps solely for Hutus and possibly
permitting for the Hutu army and militia to regroup and rearm themselves with
their camps.
Humanitarian workers were shocked at the behaviour of these northern NGOs they
worked for and many ended up mentally scarred for life, engulfed with a sense
of personal guilt. In Aceh a few years ago during a Tsunami response
evaluation, I met a former Christian Aid humanitarian manager who recounted his
horror during the Rwandan Genocide: “The ***** ******* (referring to Christian Aid and
other humanitarian agencies) didn’t do anything at that time. Never opened their
mouths and operated as pet poodles of their government’s foreign policy”.
How serious the guilt was and the subsequent
soul-searching that humanitarian agencies underwent was perhaps is best
illustrated by Oxfam being prompted to record the trauma of their own staff.
They published the interview of Maurice Herson, Editor of Forced Migration
Review and previously Deputy Humanitarian Director and Head of Humanitarian
Programme Advisory Team at Oxfam. Read this insightful interview here.
However, El Salvador, Rwanda and Liberia are only a handful of examples but
there are several others such as Bosnia, Congo and Sudan. In all these
countries, these northern-NGOs flout their own professed policies of being
political neutral and are united in one aspect - their operational policies are
tightly aligned to US and therefore western government’s foreign policies. With
such a track record, these northern NGOs are now the visible and articulate
faces of these Climate Justice networks.
Complicity in the climate scam compromises their core
mission objectives
Not long ago, NGOs kept governments at a distance by simply refusing funds from
them in an attempt to maintain their independence and integrity. Today,
governmental funds often account upto one-quarter or more of the total
portfolio of most northern NGOs. The largest NGOs comprise multiple national
affiliates under various forms of confederation. Some are purely fundraising
and recruitment vehicles, while others operate independent programmes.
With donor government funds increasingly channelled bilaterally, rather than as
unrestricted contributions to multilateral organisations such as the UN, NGOs
are controlling a larger share of humanitarian resources than ever before.
And as they become more and more dependent on governments for their existence,
the more tightly aligned are their policies with those of governments,
sacrificing their independence and autonomy in the process. Nowhere is this
better illustrated than the sphere of climate change. It is interesting that
though mega NGOs like Oxfam, Christian Aid, Action Aid, CARE etc went on a
hyper-drive with their climate change advocacy, all invariably continued to see
their core mission as advocating on behalf of the world’s poor and
disenfranchised. The tragedy was these NGOs failed (or deliberately ignored)
that the consequences of their climate advocacy heavily compromised their
professed core mission. One such illustration is that the solutions they
peddled increased starvation, malnutrition and food riots in developing

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
of the United Nations released a preview of its flagship report, "The State of
Food Insecurity in the World," which is due to be released in
October. The preview has some good news: the number of people worldwide in
chronic food shortage dropped 10% over the past year to "only" 925
million. This can be seen in the graph above. Important conclusions of their
study were:
- The 2010 lower global hunger number resulted largely from renewed
economic growth expected this year — particularly in developing countries — and
the drop in food prices since mid-2008.
- Given the increased importance of biofuels and the new linkages
between agricultural and energy markets, increased cereal yields, if achieved,
may not necessarily continue to lead to lower cereal prices. Because the world
energy market is so much larger than the world grain market, grain prices may
be determined by oil prices in the energy market as opposed to being determined
by grain supply.
- Two thirds of the world's undernourished live in just seven countries
— Bangladesh, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India,
Indonesia and Pakistan.
So hunger is reduced by stimulating economic growth and yet climate advocacy
strangely seeks to reduce, if not eliminate it all together. The situation is
accentuated by the diversion of scarce resources of poor countries to combat an
imaginary problem - carbon footprint of man! FAO goes on to say that higher
energy prices imply more and more people end up starving. But this is
exactly what climate justice advocacy is all about - raising energy prices. FAO
highlights that two thirds of the worlds undernourished live in just seven
countries, including India. But the WWF, Greenpeace, Oxfam, Christian Aid,
Action Aid, CARE, Lutheran World Federation (surprise surprise), Brot fur
die Welt etc through their climate advocacy wants just that - raise the energy
prices in this country and continue to ensure more and more Indians end up
"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when
the self [ego] becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the
face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask
yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him.
Will he
gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and
destiny? In other words, will it lead to Swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and
spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and yourself
[ego] melt away.”
Great article. Here in Canada we have the Terry Fox Foundation where every year they get the schools involve in a run to raise money for cancer research. My daughter brought home the permission slip to take part and to give donation, which got me thinking. Now, I remember doing this when I was in school, and to this day I have not seen any result. With millions of dollars being raised for cancer research by a many NGO why have they not found the cure? Whatever they are doing with the money they raise, it is not working. If I had the same track record in my job, I would be fired long ago. So I say, we need to fire these none performing NGO’s. It seems to be a scam where generations after generations are made victims.