"Time is Running Out” was the catchphrase of environmentalists and
international NGOs (INGOs) during the run-up to the Copenhagen Climate meet
last December. Do they continue to believe in the frenzy they whipped up six
months on?
To have an insight, we visited some of the
websites of leading environmental organizations and international NGOs. We
selected among others, WWF, Greenpeace, Christian Aid and Oxfam who led some of
the most high decibel campaigns using this catchphrase.
Christian Aid and other Christian agencies to
the run-up to Copenhagen additionally walked away with the prize for best
theatrics by constructing a mock grave stone declaring 'Climate change-a matter
of life or death' outside the ruins of Coventry Cathedral, England. Organizers
Christian Aid, CAFOD and others later took part in a New Orleans style funeral
through the streets of Coventry.
We assumed that if it was thought so dire
urgent six months ago, surely there should be sense of even more desperate
exigency now. That unfortunately is not what we found. The issue in fact was
not in their radar at all. WWF website focused on saving the Bengal Tiger,
Greenpeace on stopping another Bhopal, Christian Aid and Oxfam’s on West
Africa’s Food Crisis! Search as you like, but you will not find climate change
any where as one of their highlighted list of priorities of their website.
So we ask again, do these environmental
organizations and international NGOs really believe that “Time is running
out” for Planet Earth? We leave you to draw your own conclusions.
When Copenhagen talks failed, NGOs and
environmental activists put on a brave front as a blog records their
defiant public declaration:
“More than 250 partner organisations have come together to form an
unprecedented alliance under the TckTckTck banner – including development,
human rights, environment, religious and youth groups, trade unions and scout
groups... In Copenhagen on December 12, one hundred thousand people marched in
a powerful manifestation of this unity...The global climate movement - more
diverse than ever before - stands united in the face of tonight's disappointing
Well we found that this facade has all but
collapsed. As long as any social or environmental movement is able to sustain
its capacity for collective mobilization, it survives and grows. However,
repeated body blows struck on the science of global warming, starting from the
Climategate scandal and the overnight collapse of IPCC’s credibility has
apparently sucked out all the air of the movement. Fast evaporation of public
support including of those by the media for the cause also prompts most to
apparently place the issue on the backburner. However, a minority within the
movement was found still reflecting a continued priority for climate change.
Placing climate change on the backburner of
their websites does not necessarily mean that these organizations have dropped
climate change as an activity focus. It only means that they go on stealthily.
A glance of the websites of NGO job openings will confirm that vacancies of
their climate change department are still being filled on a business as usual
pace. So are the workshops and seminars attempting to indoctrinate NGO workers
and public. What has visibly dropped in terms of frequencies are NGOs releasing
statements at their drop of their hats, linking climate change as the cause for
each and every natural disaster though disasters themselves are on the increase
being a La Nina year. For the first time, even the recently concluded G20
meeting dropped direct reference to climate change and renewable energy, which
gives an insight to how far the issue has been discredited that even
politicians like Obama who championed the cause are fighting shy of even
acknowledging climate change as a pressing issue confronting the world.
Her knack for explaining environmental issues
in a simple and entertaining manner saw her producing a series of short
powerful videos - “The Story of Stuff”, “The Story of Cosmetics” and “The Story
of Bottled Water”. “The Story of Cap and Trade” is one in this series and
perhaps has become the most embarrassing to those within the Climate Justice
Movement who support cap and trade. Earlier, in 2009, Friends of the Earth
(FoE) UK released a report warning that carbon trading could trigger a second
‘sub-prime’ style financial collapse and fail to protect the
world from global warming catastrophe. A copy of the full report, ‘A Dangerous
Obsession’, is available at: http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/reports/dangerous_obsession.pdf.
People’s struggles are inspired essentially
from strong beliefs to oppose what is perceived as unjust or iniquitous in
society. Consequently, conviction to a cause arises from a belief that one’s
cause is fundamentally a just cause and that the awakening of one’s conscience
needs to be channelled to strive for change in order to remedy a perceived
societal injustice. This is what Annie Leonard’s video exactly succeeded in
undermining. It was a harsh indictment, no matter how cleverly disguised, of
those environmental organizations and NGOs supporting carbon trading, who she
bared as virtually supporting a big business financial fraud whose bill is
finally paid by the poorest in the world! In short, it left the overwhelming
majority of the movement with the stigma of being pro-rich and anti-poor by
their support to carbon trading.
Over the years, the Climate Change Movement
successfully co-opted the more matured Social Justice Movement within its
folds. Now with their bus on fire and totally discredited, the likes of Annie
Leonard and FoE have fired the first salvo. They implicitly warn that if the
Climate Change Movement hopes to survive then the only way the fire can be
doused is to get on the social justice bus to heal wounds, because in the end,
there could be only one bus to travel.
The Climate Change Movement had never been a
monolithic entity and more accurately described as an umbrella
organization which has under it a vast array of institutional
forms—individuals, small NGOs, large organizations, corporate groups, etc.
representing the entire gamut of social and political opinion. In fact, a
majority of those involved are not even active in any movements. A good many
within the movement despite their public pretensions, do not even really
understand climate science, in fact do not understand any science at all, leave
alone physics which is a must to understand climatology. They joined the
movement only because they thought it was the hip thing to do. A small section
even consider the whole hullaballoo of global warming unscientific but
continue to offer lip service only because they think it is the most
politically correct thing to do. No longer. What hurts most of the so- Climate
Change movement are the growing mass desertions within their ranks, which saps
the vitality of the movement.

“You can't control a monster by asking it not to shit as much... or by proposing to buy its shit"
One of the most high profile defections last
week was by physicist Dr. Denis Rancourt, a former professor and environmental
science researcher at the University of Ottawa. Rancourt has published over 100
articles in peer reviewed scientific journals. While a recognized expert in a
number of scientific fields, he is particularly known for his unconventional
and controversial pedagogical approach and activism directed at the
hierarchical structure of universities. Heavily influenced by the works of
Paulo Freire and Schmidt, Rancourt has strongly argued for critical pedagogy
aimed at confronting all sources of oppression. Watch the video and consider
some of the quotes transcript by
Climate Depot.
"It is as much psychological and social phenomenon as anything
else. “Global warming is strictly an imaginary problem of the First World
middle-class. When I tell environmental activists that global warming is not
something to be concerned about, they attack me — they shun me, they do not
allow me to have my materials published in their magazines” (Nice “peer review”
process, huh–walk the party line or no peer review). “They look for comfortable
lies that they can settle into and alleviate the guilt they feel about being on
privileged end of the planet — a kind of survivors guilt.
We see this sort of guilt a lot in the West, especially in America. We
have such incredible affluence compared to the rest of the world, and we have
attained it with such incredible ease, that many people without a solid moral
and philosophical grounding feel vaguely guilty for having so much. Not being
sure they are legitimately entitled to it, they opt for self-flagellating guilt
mongering…while remaining generally unwilling to give up all those modern comforts
they feel so guilty about. The process of self-flagellating and America-hatred
purges enough of the guilt to allow them to continue enjoying these modern
conveniences without the burden of guilt.
It's not about opinion politics. It's about not being scammed. It's not about
education. It's about independent thinking. It's not about peer-review. It's
about the class politics of science. It's not about being oppressed fairly.
It's about liberation.”
Given the plurality and diversity within, the
Climate Change Movement is not a monolithic animal as commonly portrayed. This
inevitably leads to widespread ignorance and reductionism within the movement.
World Vision’s boss Tim Costello best illustrates such ignorance when last year
he claimed that Tsunamis are a result of climate change though all scientific
knowledge points that it is triggered by a geological phenomenon – earthquakes.
Some of the ardent climate activists I have met were shocked to learn that
apart from Tsunamis even volcanic eruptions have no links to global warming.
Reductionism on the other hand is an approach
to building descriptions of systems out of the descriptions of the subsystems
that a system is composed of, and ignoring the relationships between them. A
draft circulated of the India Disasters Report 2010, a NGO publication,
observed the following:
“The floods in Mumbai and Rajasthan in 2005 and 2006 respectively are
indications of things to come. In Mumbai, the rains were so intense that they
paralyzed the city. Santa Cruz area received about 944 mm rain on a single day.
This is a little less than half of the annual rainfall that Mumbai gets on an
average. The following year, some desert villages of Barmer in Rajasthan recorded
577 mm rain in three days— more than double the annual average. It rained so
heavily here that it changed village landscapes”
This serves an excellent example of
reductionist thinking - linking of rains with floods in a rather simplistic
analysis. In the case of Mumbai what the analysis did not capture were the
freak nature of rains, being a cloudburst, which combined with unusually high
tides that led to unprecedented flooding in Mumbai. In the case of Barmer, a
town in Thar Desert, in Western Rajasthan, what the analysis did not factor in
was that rainfall pattern increasing in the area due to natural variability of
the Indian monsoons and further due to bentonite and gypsite deposits in the
area that makes the soil impervious, increasing vulnerability for waterlogging
conditions. Barmer was flooded again this Monsoons.
Let us take another example from the draft
“Internationally, March 2009 became the hottest month recorded. The
combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for March 2010 was
the warmest on record at 13.5°C (56.3°F), which is 0.77°C (1.39°F) above the
20th century average of 12.7°C (54.9°F).”
The Centre for Science & Environment
(CSE), India’s premier environmental body who position themselves as promoting
knowledge based environmental activism had made a similar claim a few months
ago linking the heat wave in India as an outcome of climate change. What both
had suppressed was heat waves are common in India in an El Nino year. The
duplicity of climate activists stands exposed when they make loud noises when
temperatures go up and remain mum when there is a severe cold wave as it
occurred in Northern India last winter. This reflects on their character,
integrity and accordingly their public credibility. According to Transparency
International, such duplicity amounts to corruption according to their
definition of the term!
Exposure of this corruption will come to a head soon. With the La Nina
formation anytime in August, global temperature could be expected to plunge
below its long-term average around the time the world meets at Cancun for the
next Climate Treaty meet. If this is not embarrassing enough, consider the
possibility of a super La Nina that could see the whole of Northern Hemisphere
without a summer in 2011 as well as one of the worst winters. This could well
be a big if, though all meteorological bodies in the world are predicting a big
sized La Nina this year. Whatever its size, one thing is clear. For the near
future, global temperatures are destined to be cool. This means humiliation for
climate change activism and NGOs and environmentalist organizations should be
prepared to display humility to make a public apology that they were misled on
this issue. It will take a public apology to stem the decline in their advocacy
So the question is, do they have this humility?