The Australian Bureau of
Meteorology (BoM) latest model forecasts provided some stunning news. The much touted “Super El Nino” just
mysteriously dissipated into mid-air, leaving La Nina like conditions. Sea
Surface Temperatures (SSTs) in Nino3.4 areas are plunging and expected to turn
negative within this month and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) have
bounced back to be La Nina like as seen above!!
If this is not a blip, this
would be only the third time in recorded history that El Nino threshold levels
were crossed and then went suddenly bust, the other times being the 2008 & 2012 monsoon
seasons. With the Pacific Decadal
Oscillation (PDO) being in its negative mode, it is difficult for an El Nino to
gain strength, leave alone attain super status. The atmosphere besides is La
Nina like perhaps responding to global oceanic temperatures largely being below
average. Global ice extent is near record expansion with the Arctic above
average and the Antarctica at all time record expansion.
The current warm surface
and cooling subsurface is typical of conditions early in the year as a major El
Nino dies and switches to La Nina. Latest GFS shows another burst of easterly
trade winds in the central Pacific, and a cooler subsurface not too far
underneath. A cool PDO may still need to release heat from the western warm
pool so it doesn't build up too much, and maybe a cool PDO favours bust El
Ninos as a method of releasing this heat without actually having an El Nino.
So with the El Nino
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) apparently returning to neutral, this would create
a better outlook for a monsoon revival which should take place after the
Neoguri Super Typhoon effect recedes, which should be sometime around
weekend. Can it be sufficient conditions
to trigger excessive rains to offset the current rainfall deficit? Most likely –
no but the rainfall should be sufficient to ward off serious drinking water and
power shortfall problems though not coming in time to boost sowing sufficiently
to offset negative agricultural growth. One of adverse condition for the
monsoon remaining is the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) which remains moderately in
the negative mode. As long as IOD persists in its negative mode, we cannot
expect bountiful rainfall. On the other hand if the IOD were to strengthen in
its present mode, we could still expect the monsoon being continued to be

It has to be kept in mind
that while an El Nino stalls the South West Monsoon, it usually acts as a
stimulant for the North East Monsoon and that way, El Nino’s effect at the annual scale is
somewhat contained. If this year’s El Nino has indeed gone bust, then the
outlook for NE Monsoon may not very rosy under ENSO neutral or La Nina
conditions. Consequently, if the NE Monsoon cannot to some significant degree
offset the shortfall of the SW Monsoon, the country within an annual scale can
still end up with a significant rainfall deficiency.
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