This is an apology of an article of a warmist publication like Huffington Post. They can't come in terms to the fact that their support is dwindling. Skeptic weathermen like Coleman, Piers Corbyn or Joe Bastardi get 85% of the forecast rights.
This compared to warmists UK Met Office who get all the seasonal forecasts wrong, being forced to give up seasonal forecasting altogether. Climate is accumulated weather over time, minimum of at least 30 years. Now if warmists are unable to get the basic unit of climate right, why should we assume they get the cumulative climate right. Not a single IPCC forecast has come right so far.

John Coleman, the founder
of The Weather Channel and the original weatherman on Good Morning America:
"There isn't any climate crisis," he said. "It's totally
Meteorologists are
notoriously reluctant to accept climate change. Why so? Theirs is a profession
that studies the weather, which is akin to what climate scientists do by
studying the weather over relatively long periods. Of course, they are not as
educated as climate scientists who have PhD's in their field, while many
meteorologists have college degrees unrelated to meteorology.
know the pitfalls of being wrong when making a forecast, however, they do not
seem to realize that the conclusions of climate scientists are not the same as
saying there is a 50% chance of precipitation tomorrow. The International Panel
on Climate Change or IPCC put a probability that it is more than 90% likely
that man is causing climate change. Do meteorologists, weathermen to use a more
prosaic term, just feel inferior to climate scientists or just why are they so
dismissive about climate change?
According to a 2010
“Twenty-nine percent of the
121 meteorologists who replied agreed ...--not that global warming was
unproven, or unlikely, but that it was a scam. Just 24 percent of them believed
that humans were responsible for most of the change in climate over the past
half century--half were sure this wasn't true, and another quarter were
"neutral" on the issue." It is a scary statistic considering
climate change may be the most important topic of our day.”
A more recent survey in
2012 showed that more than half of TV weather reporters don't believe in
human-induced climate change, even as our agitated weather grows more extreme.
Weathermen communicate
directly with the public in the intimacies of their living rooms each evening
and therefore can greatly influence public perceptions about climate change. In
a 2008 survey, it was learned that 66% of people trusted meteorologists most
for their source of information about climate change. Climate scientists were
considered more credible, but few people knew one or kept up with the latest
scientific findings. Consequently, there is a battle going on for the hearts
and minds of weather forecasters with far-right think tanks, like the Heartland
Institute, vying for the souls of weathermen pitted against legitimate
organizations like The National Science Foundation and the Congress-funded
National Environmental Education Foundation.
As the only professional
who speaks about science in an atmosphere of 30-second sound bites, weather
forecasters are often asked to gauge an opinion on anything that may touch upon
a scientific topic, although they may have scant knowledge of the field. These
inquiries may give them the impression they are more omniscient in their
science knowledge than they really are.
"There is one little problem with
this: most weather forecasters are not really scientists. When a broad pool of
weather forecasters were surveyed in a study barely half of them had a college
degree in meteorology or another atmospheric science. Only 17 percent had
received a graduate degree, effectively a prerequisite for an academic
researcher in any scientific field."
"Among the certified
meteorologists surveyed in 2008, 79 percent considered it appropriate to
educate their communities about climate change. Few of them, however, had taken
the steps necessary to fully educate themselves about it. When asked which
source of information on climate change they most trusted, 22 percent named the
American Meteorological Society (AMS). But the next most popular answer, with
16 percent, was "no one." The third was "myself."
Meteorologists almost
uniformly base much of their skepticism of climate science on the use of
"Meteorologists know the inaccuracies of their own models,"
Brian Neudorff, a meteorologist at WROC in Rochester, said. "There's a lot
of error and bias. We'll use five different models and come back with five
different things. So when we hear that climatological models are saying this,
how accurate are they?"
Besides the fact that
models predicted such events as the climatic effects of the eruption of Mt.
Pinatubo after being fed data on the eruption and other effects of climate
change, what about the documented evidence that is gathered by scientists like
the loss of polar ice or the melting of mountain glaciers, which many
photographers have captured in time-lapse comparisons?
Apparently meteorologists
not only have large gaps in their understanding of climate change science, but
do not even realize the extent of these gaps. For example, they are seemingly
unaware of the uniformity of the scientific consensus. In fact, scientists may
be partly to blame for these misconceptions. "I don't see my job as
convincing anyone of anything,"
Michael Mann, a climatologist and
professor at Penn State University, said. So perhaps both sides share some
of the blame - Meteorologists for not recognizing the limitations of their
knowledge of climate science and the scientists themselves for not doing a
better job of convincing the professionals best positioned to inform the
listening public. One day perhaps even John Coleman, of The Weather Channel
fame, can be convinced of the reality of warming.
"Skeptic weathermen like Coleman, Piers Corbyn or Joe Bastardi get 85% of the forecast rights." Yeah, right. Where does that 85% figure come from? Not some independent source, that's for sure.