The joy of we climate sceptics find knows no
bounds. After two weeks and over time of 24 hours, all that the Durban
Climate circus managed to produce as an outcome was a road map towards an
accord to be signed by 2015 whose proposed actions will be operational from
2020! The process for doing so, called
the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action,
would develop a new protocol,
another legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force that will be
applicable to all Parties to the UN climate convention," under a
working group. The exact nature of what "legal instrument" or
"agreed outcome" has not yet been decided!
The Durban talks made headway on agreeing the
design of Green Climate Fund to channel up to $100 billion a year by 2020 to
poorer nations, but achieved little on establishing where the money will come
from to fill it. The only mechanism that remains a viable form of finance for
this Fund is the Kyoto Protocol and the related carbon trading market mechanism.
With the collapse of the world's largest carbon market, Chicago Carbon
Exchange, this leaves only the Australian and European carbon markets to
sustain the financing of the fund.
The problem here is that the durability of
the Australian carbon market is in doubt with Julia Gillard and her
Labour Party expected to be completely washed out in the next elections
expected sometime in 2013. The centre-right Liberal Party who is expected to
catapult back in power promises to revoke the country's cap & trade act
along with it, Australia's fledgling carbon market!
Against the backdrop of a sovereign debt
crisis, developed nations are also ill-placed to commit money beyond short-term
financing that runs out at the end of next year. Oxfam who was spear heading
the effort to widen the financing basket of the fund suffered a double whammy
at the summit .
Their efforts to tax the bunkers (maritime and aviation
industries) and introduce a carbon trading programme for the so called Climate
Smart Agriculture bit the dust at the summit but not before spending millions
of euros on these campaigns. A proposal last week to generate cash from
charging international shipping for the carbon emissions generated fierce
opposition and consequently it did not survive in the final text. The
proposal for carbon trading of the agriculture didn't even make it in the
preliminary text.
The deal extends Kyoto, whose first phase of
emissions cuts run from 2008 to the end of 2012. The second commitment period
will run from Jan. 1 2013 until the end of 2017. There was an agreement on
extending Kyoto for five years, but lawyers are going to have to work out how
to align this with existing EU legislation. The US is still out of the
Protocol. So Kyoto's survival is still in doubt. Canada is likely to withdraw
in the next year. Japan and Russia aren't likely to sign up to a new Kyoto
emissions reduction round. Keeping Kyoto alive is a strategic move to use it as
a 2012 bargaining chip to pressure developing countries to stay in the
negotiating tent. By next year, this bargaining chip too is most likely to be
NGOs had often campaigned with the catchy
slogan "Time is Running"
(to act!). The key message from Durban is that there is no urgency to act. This
is really where we skeptics feel vindicated. A four year postponement to a
climate treaty also raises the question whether the climate alarmism movement
can survive during the interim.
They face two main threats. The first is from
the US presidential elections next year where Obama is expected to be booted
out and a Republican Party's rightist pressure group the Tea Party candidate
takes his place. The Republicans additionally is expected hold control of both
the Senate and Congress from 2013. The Tea Party among other things are climate
sceptics and this does not augur well for any future negotiation of a global
climate treaty.

The second threat comes from the climate
itself. Unless observational data can confirm accelerating rise in global
temperatures, the whole scientific justification of entering into a global
climate treaty would be in doubt. This does not seem likely as we have entered
the cooling mode. 13 years have passed without global temperatures surpassing
the high of 1998. And in another two years, the IPCC, by their own procedure,
will have to admit the empirical falsification, disproving the hypothesis on
the dominant influence of CO2 and alleged associated effects on the global
It looks as if all natural cyclic climatic
factors are confluencing together that portends to a cooling world for the next
25-30 years,. Prominent among these factors is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
(PDO) which turned negative a few years ago. Last month, the Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) Index also went negative. Though it maybe a
blip, it still signals that its downward cycle has started. For the Northern
Hemisphere, the AMO index is tightly correlated to air temperatures and
rainfall over much of the Northern Hemisphere, in particular, North America and
Europe such as North Eastern Brazilian and African Sahel rainfall and North
American and European summer climate. It is also associated with changes in the
frequency of North American droughts and is reflected in the frequency of
severe Atlantic hurricanes. Even a neutral AMO in the presence of a negative
PDO portends considerable cooling for the Northern Hemisphere. Then again 2015
coincides with NASA's prediction of complete sunspot disappearance known as
Maunder Minimum that ushers in the Little Ice Age! In an increasing cooling
world, it would be difficult for world leaders to justify a climate treaty.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus
Aurelius (AD 121-180) said: "The
object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
From a review of the debacle
at Durban, NGOs like Oxfam will do well to appreciate the Aurelius' nugget of
wisdom. The time has come for them to take stock what damage this climate
lunacy did to their image as a champion of the poor and the developing
countries. It is remarkable that Oxfam thinks it can get away with the
contradictory policies - encouraging forestry expansion, in the process
reducing the amount of land devoted to food-producing agriculture and then
crying crocodile tears on rising global hunger. It is time to put to an end to
this shameful chapter of NGO history and do what we are best endowed to do - remove
poverty and development instead of creating it!
Failure to do so will as
friend Gopal Panicker says will prompt knicknames like "OX doth feed on the FAMished!
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